Creating Fixed Menu When Scrolling With CSS3, Jquery & HTML5

This time will try to make a menu whose position is always on top (fixed) after the web page is scrolled, not just above, the menu that was previously integrated with this website page will change color as well. The point here we will learn how to remove and add classes to the html tag when the menu is scrolled with the help of jquery.
Slightly different from what we made earlier in the tutorial Creating a Fixed Position and Responsive Menu where we don’t need javascript for that, because we put the menu directly at the top of the website page with CSS.

To change the shape of the menu like that, of course we need Javascript to get the event when the mouse is scrolled, this time we use Jquery to practice deleting and then adding a class with another name when the website is scrolled.

Okay, let’s just make the HTML structure, here we try to use HTML5 tags for practice.

HTML Structure

The code above is our HTML structure in brief, the details will be described below each of the contents of each section.
The header section is generally filled with the title and description of the website (tagline).

Fixed Menu When Scroll

In this section is our menu, it’s simple, it’s just a div in which there is a menu list (ul > li)