5 Principles of Good Web Design

There are some basic principles that make web design look good.

Many people say that design is relative, why? because, for example: for some people a website with lots of colors is good and attractive, but for some people it looks bad and tacky. There are those who call minimalism good, but there are those who mock it as a mediocre design.

The debate will never end, because people’s heads are different, people’s perspectives are different.

However, there are certain factors that will affect people’s views about a website design that will look good. At least we as Web Designers must be successful in conveying the content of the main message on the website that we create. That is the basic goal that website builders must adhere to.

Here are some of the important things to pay attention to:

Maybe some of them have also been discussed in the previous article about 5 Easy Tips to Improve Blog and Website Design

  1. Good Website Navigation System

However, the navigation system is the main weapon of a website, if the navigation system is not good (placement and shape) then the visitor will be confused, lost, difficult to find the information he is looking for.

So, no matter what kind of design you make, make this navigation system as good as possible, so that it is easily accessible to visitors and easy to understand the flow.

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  1. Consistent in terms of branding/logo
    Logo and website name, these are important things in a website, so make this the best, regardless of your design form, place the logo in a place that is easy to see, because this is the main identity of the website created. Don’t let the client not know who the website he is opening is.

In addition to correct placement, consistency in placement or position must also be considered, avoid the position of the logo/brand or company identity changing positions. For example, the Index logo is on the top left, on other pages it’s on the top right.

Branding problems are usually related to the color of the website, the color of the website usually refers to the color of the brand/logo. So make it consistent in this section.

The Coca-Cola website, for example, applies website colors that match its brand, so that its identity is maintained, the dominant website color is red.

  1. Use Images Well.

Did you know that images or other visualizations are the most interesting things for website visitors? sometimes visualization in the form of images is more understandable than just text, it’s no wonder now there are lots of infographics, because it makes people more interested in reading it than just text at all.

You know that a lot of people hate reading books that are all written?

The picture was well received by everyone, you also know that some people buy books because they see the good cover? Those are some proofs of the power of an image.

So play around with the images in your website design, make it as attractive as possible, and as good as possible.

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29 Ways how HTML5 will change websites for the better – Infographic
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  1. Use of Fonts Well (Typography).

What is the content of a website? Some websites on the Internet consist of WRITING.

Therefore, this article is the main source of information needed by visitors when visiting a website, so use fonts wisely, use fonts that are easy for visitors to read.

Also use a clear font color, if your background is ORANGE, don’t use a YELLOW font, because it makes the writing unclear, but use a dark font, such as Black or Brown.

Read also:

Basic Typography Guide For Web Designers

  1. Smart Utilizing Multimedia.

As with pictures, videos or other multimedia, some people like it, so it’s no wonder that television is more popular than radio.

Because with multimedia people will be easier to understand, because in multimedia such as video, it usually consists of Images, Sounds and Movements. This is more quickly understood by others. Remember that not everyone who visits our website can bear to read long writing and does not guarantee that he understands what we write, but with Video or Multimedia, the writing is not clear, there is still sound, the sound is not clear, there are still visual movements. So it’s easier to understand right?

So much for writing this time, hopefully it will be useful for you.