Introduction to Responsive Web Design

Introduction to responsive web design / responsive web design – Hello TWD readers, first of all we would like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year 2015, hopefully this year will be a better year for us than the previous years.

This is our first post in 2015, and for the opening presentation at the beginning of 2015 we will start by introducing Responsive Web Design (RWD) to all of you, and writing about responsive web design will probably continue in the following articles until we everyone understands well what responsive web design is, because it is undeniable that responsive web design is arguably the future of websites.

As we know that the growth of users of mobile devices and smartphones for browsing the internet has grown rapidly over the last 5 years. Even Morgan Stanley once estimated that by 2015 mobile internet traffic would overtake desktop traffic, meaning that more people access the web via mobile (mobile phones & tablets) than personal computers (desktops & notebooks).

Also read: 6 Tips To Create a Responsive Website

The requirements for how the website should be used and the screen for opening the website have changed a lot. Previously the site was optimized only for desktop computer users, but now all designers build websites with a mobile-first approach to maximize the UX design of their websites. Not only that, website visitors now expect that a website is optimized for mobile browsing, and if they find a website that doesn’t work optimally on mobile devices then this can create a negative first impression, preventing them from doing business with you. . According to the Hubspot site; 61% of people will have a good/positive opinion with a brand when they (the brand) offer a good mobile experience or in other words a website that can be opened on all devices is preferred by visitors. You can imagine that now people want to open websites from their watch screens. #shocked

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What is a Responsive Web?
In short, responsive web design allows websites to adapt or respond to how, where and with what people see/access the website. This of course affects the layout of the website exclusively, and can affect what is displayed on certain devices, such as on mobile phones, or on devices that have a touch screen.

Also Read: 9 Basic Principles of Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design is a web design method that focuses on providing an optimal user experience on a site. Web designers & developers achieve this by building a website that can be resized, re-displayed and restructured its navigation elements and layouts across multiple devices. An example is The Boston Globe website or the TWD website that you are opening.

A Little History About Responsive Web Design.
The term responsive web design was first coined by Ethan Marcotte in May 2010 in an article on the A List Apart website. He explains that responsive web design is not a single concept, but really the culmination of several techniques for customizing a desktop site to optimize it on mobile as well.

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However, there are significant differences between a mobile website and a responsive website. The first difference is that their layout looks a bit different. The second is that the mobile website domain is in a separate sub domain or sub folder; Usually a mobile website will look like, but on a responsive website the domain is the same between desktop and mobile.

Even though a mobile site is cheaper than responsive, the fact that you have two separate domains and basically two websites has a dramatic effect on SEO and User Experience (UX). Often times a mobile website will not rank in search engines.

Why is Responsive Web Design More Popular Than Other Mobile Versions of Websites?
The long term challenge with pure applications and mobile sites is that they are very difficult in terms of maintenance & development, where if you build two versions for one website, namely the desktop version and the mobile version, it means that your programmers have to optimize the two systems at once, even though the system can be combined into one. but it will still take more time and energy and even resources to manage and optimize both. So the solution is still to create a website that can be opened on various devices, it is the most efficient and inexpensive solution for now and in the future. Considering smartphone users and speed